Packaging with an ergonomic reinforced handle will save shoppers´ time and nerves!

Animated image comparing the ease of carrying a box with a reinforced Lemtapes handle versus no handle.

Consumer experience – true story

A terrible hurry! I’ve got a package to fetch from the post office and shopping to do. First, to fetch a package from the pickup point, where the shelves and floors are bursting with boxes. The postal worker heaves the big package across the floor, because they couldn’t get a decent grip. I lift the package into my arms, but now I can’t see anything in front of me. It’s heavy, and sweat begins to bead on my forehead. 

“I guess the rest of my shopping has to be left for another time,” I fume to myself. 

This situation is all too familiar, especially during the holidays. A pleasant carrying experience often has one mortal enemy – no handle. Without handles and handholds, it can be difficult to get a good grip on the package, and you’ll have to hold on like your life depends on it – you may be shoving some bad memories back in their box right now.

What if there was a handle added to the package I had to painfully lug along?

My experience could have been quite different. The postal worker’s ergonomics wouldn’t have looked like a disaster waiting to happen. The shelves needn’t have sagged with packages, left jammed in place when customers realized they wouldn’t be able to carry them after finishing their shopping. I could’ve carried my package easily and handled the shopping together in one trip. 

Above all, I would have left the store in good spirits – without leaving a breadcrumb trail of curses on my way out the door. 

Author: Henriikka Uusitalo

An ergonomic reinforced handle will keep the package safe, shoppers happy, and will help your brand stand out

Our tapes offer handle and handhole reinforcement in corrugated board packaging. Packaging handle reinforcement makes the handles more durable and ergonomic, which makes carrying heavy boxes easier and improves customer experience.

Tapes also increase packaging durability, which better protects the products inside. For example, we have developed a slim reinforcement tape for the Karjala beer case, which makes the handle sturdier while enabling better printing quality.

Sustainability is one of Lemtapes’ key values. That’s why we’re committed to our innovative and eco-friendly packaging solutions, Pure Tape and Eco Tape, which reduce the environmental impact of packaging products. In 2019, cellulose-based Pure Tape won the FEFCO Sustainability Award at the FEFCO Technical Seminar in Geneva.  Eco Tape, for its part, is produced using recycled materials. 

Lemtapes is now H.B.Fuller Finland!